Posts by Shelley Schmidt

Fall Life Group Meeting Plan

Fall meeting plan: Until we can gather in person on the weekends, our hope is to live out Hebrews 10:24-25 in our Life Groups. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and…

July 2020 Update for Life Group Leaders & Hosts

Watch this special message for Life Group Leaders & Hosts. Summer is half over! Can you believe it? So what’s our plan for Life Groups this fall? It’s the question we’re all asking. Here’s what’s up: We still don’t know if groups will be meeting in homes, backyards or online. What we do know is…

Stay-at-Home Groups

HOW TO MEET ONLINE WITH YOUR GROUP Just as true as ever, Life Groups are still the number one way to stay connected at North Coast Church.  Spring Quarter: April 5-May 30 Leaders & Hosts: Get Leader Tools & Updates Here SIGN UP FOR A GROUPLife Groups Starting Soon – a whole new way to…

Group Socials – Options and helpful links can be found below.

GAMES NEVER HAVE I EVEREach group member holds up five to ten fingers on camera. Everyone takes a turn saying something that they have never done. If anyone has done what was said, they put a finger down. Once all your fingers are down, you’re out. The last person with fingers up, wins! BINGOThis classic game can be played…

Tips & Tutorials for Online Groups

Tips & Tutorials for Online Groups ZOOM TUTORIALOur Life Group team made a tutorial to walk you through using Zoom. Check it out! Zoom — Help Be Smart About Security Online – Whenever possible put a password on your meeting and any other recommendations the platform you’re using suggests. Here are some of the recommendations…

March 23 Update for Leaders & Hosts

Life Groups Update Covid19 March 23, 2020   With California’s latest “Stay at Home” measures to slow the rapid growth of Covid-19, Life Groups have never been more important to help people stay connected and gain the support they need.  Here’s how we will continue to support one another during this time. 1. Life Group Sign-ups…


This is intended as a helpful resource for other ministries looking to make the move online during this season. We all want to do whatever we can to help our churches and community stay connected, care for each other, and be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. Here’s what it looked like…

Life Group Member Update

Life Groups Starting Soon – a whole new way to meet! Throughout these last few weeks, it’s easy to feel like “everything” has changed. While things may look different, one thing that will never change is the fact that God is at work and we still need each other. In fact, we need each other…

March 19 Update for Leaders & Hosts

SPRING 2020 – Leader Update #1 – March 19 Three Reminders for Life Group Leaders & Hosts: Reminder 1. Stay Connected During this season we want to encourage you to stay in contact with those you love (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, Life Group members). Our relationships with one another and our prayers for each other…

Options for staying connected with your groups online

OPTIONS FOR STAYING CONNECTED WITH YOUR GROUPS ONLINE: While this list isn’t comprehensive, here are a few of the most commonly used video call platforms and group messaging applications with links to some of their “Help” pages. GROUP MEETINGS | Platforms for Group Video Calls (Click options for details.) ZOOMOur Life Group team made a…