This is intended as a helpful resource for other ministries looking to make the move online during this season. We all want to do whatever we can to help our churches and community stay connected, care for each other, and be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. Here’s what it looked like at North Coast…
(7,000 people!)
1. Communicate to your church – God is at work in the confusion. Click here to see one of the initial video updates sent to our entire congregation. (All COVID-19-related updates can be found here.)
2. Communicate and prepare your group leaders and hosts – Check out these links for video updates and resources we provided for our leaders and hosts
- 3 Important Reminders for leaders and hosts
- How to get ready as a leader or host to take your group online
- Many platforms will work. We recommend Zoom – See below for Tutorials
English Tutorial
Spanish Version - New Leader Training – Listen to at least sessions 1 & 2, and 3 if you have time.
- How to Make Your First Online Meeting Great – This will be emailed to you before your first meeting. You will also be able to access your weekly Leaders Guide here.
3. Prepare your people and church to go online – This communication was sent to everyone who is already a member of a Life Group.
4. Make it simple for people to sign up and find a group. There’s a variety of ways to do this. Here’s what we do.
5. Provide weekly curriculum for your groups and encouragement to your leaders – Our context is sermon-based, meaning a lecture/lab model. We write our questions weekly and create a leader’s guide that is posted online. (We’ve been doing this for 34 years – it’s hard work, but works great!) This will be updated when groups begin for the quarter, but here is a sample of a previous Life Group Leader Guide.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions for our Life Group team.
Dave Enns
Pastor of Life Groups & Adult Ministries
North Coast Church