For the week of February 9, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
Need help with anything? We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact your Life Group pastor if you need some extra help leading the discussion or addressing a specific topic or personal issue that has surfaced in your group.
- Remember you don’t have to answer every question!
- Choose questions best suited to your group.
- Listen to the Audio Guide for more discussion suggestions:
- Hear from everyone every time you meet! Setting time limits can help make this happen.
Begin to think about what service project you would like to do. Check our website for some options:
Online Social Ideas:
In-person Social Ideas:
Submit your group’s attendance online at If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here:
Check out our Tips and Tutorials for Online Groups here:
- Larry talked about how the Holy Spirit is the source of all spiritual knowledge and power. If you could instantly gain complete knowledge in one subject, what would it be and why?
This question lends itself to being light-hearted or deep. If your group has been together a while or is comfortable, you could move this beyond surface level questions. (i.e.: How does the internet actually work? Vs. When is Jesus coming back? Vs. What does everything in Revelation actually mean?)
- Before this sermon, if someone had asked you about your understanding of the Holy Spirit, what would you have said? How about now; has your idea changed?
Your group most likely represents a variety of church backgrounds and “unchurched” backgrounds. Some people may have stories from how the Holy Spirit has been represented in a place of worship, in media, or what they were taught regarding Who He is. The point here is not to discredit or question the authenticity of their former experiences but allow them to share, if they want, their ingrained perceptions of Him.
- Is there anything from this weekend’s message that you found particularly encouraging or challenging?
Come ready to share your own answer for this section if your group needs help getting started.
- Read Romans 8:5-11. The word “flesh” refers to our human, sinful nature. How does the Holy Spirit take us – sinners – and make us new? List a few standouts from this passage.
- Having our minds set on what the Spirit desires
- A mind governed by life and peace
- The Spirit gives life because of righteousness
- The “old us” dies and Christ makes us new! (See 2 Cor. 5:17 also)
- Larry showed us that we can sometimes overcomplicate the Holy Spirit. Based on what we learned this weekend, how can the Spirit show up in everyday life?
For further study, read Ephesians 5:18 and John 7:37-39. Some ways to know that the Spirit is living through us: Has the Spirit led you to Jesus? Has the Spirit put in you the desire to honor Jesus? Is the Spirit leading you to be more like Jesus? Is the Spirit at work in your heart? The point here is to for group members to see that He is accessible and present for all Christians, not just Christians they believe to be “super spiritual”.
- How have you seen the Holy Spirit work in spectacular or subtle ways in your life?
If group members think they don’t have any experience with the Holy Spirit, point them back to the questions in the leader notes above (Know it #2). This might help them see the work of the Holy Spirit that they may not have realized before. The hope is that this will be an encouragement of His presence and work in their lives. Some other indications that the Holy Spirit is working in someone’s life is through the conviction of sin, the giving of gifts, giving us power and boldness to share His Word, making us more like Jesus (old self vs. new self). These ideas might spark a memory or situation for people to remember how the Holy Spirit has worked in their lives.
- The Holy Spirit empowers us to do God’s will, not just what we want to do. Has there been a time when you sensed God leading you in a direction you didn’t expect—or didn’t want at first?
See also Ephesians 3:14-19 for further study. The Holy Spirit does not make the Christian life easier; He makes is possible. Point your group in the direction of thinking about times when their will was at odds with the will of God. Did they yield to His will, did they fight His will?
- Larry gave three ways to overcome spiritual static (listening, checking the Bible, and wise counsel). Which are you most naturally drawn to? Which do you need to focus on more?
- The Bible contrasts being filled with the Spirit with being controlled by things like alcohol, emotions, or the world’s pressures (Ephesians 5:18). How can you recognize when the Spirit is influencing you versus being controlled by your own desires or outside influences?
If your group is having trouble answering this, prompt them to think of times where they had to decide to say no to their flesh (natural desires/disobedience) and choose to yield to God’s Spirit beckoning them to choose His way. Although, as Christians, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit we can ask to be continually filled with the Spirit. A closing challenge for your group might be: “How do you remain filled with the Holy Spirit?” or “What could our lives look like if we asked daily (or hourly) to be filled with the Holy Spirit?”
Dr. Larry Obsorne
February 2, 2025
Message #4/ Ephesians 5:17-18 & Galatians 5:16
The Holy Spirit Is Not A Ghost
If the Holy Spirit isn’t a ghost, who is He?
He is GOD, the THIRD person of the TRINITY.
Acts 5:3-4 / Deuteronomy 29:29
He is the source of all spiritual KNOWLEDGE and POWER, both now and in the past.
Elijah & Elisha’s miracles (1 Kings 17- 2 Kings 13:20) Matthew 12:22-32 & 3:16 / John 16:5-15 / 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 / Philippians 2:13 / Colossians 1:15-20 / Hebrews 1:3
How important is it to be filled with and walk in the Spirit?
It’s GOD’S WILL, and the secret to living a GODLY life.
Ephesians 5:17-18 / Galatians 5:16 / Matthew 3:13-4:11
What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
We receive the Holy Spirit when we become a JESUS FOLLOWER.
Ephesians 1:13-14 / Romans 8:9
Filled with the Spirit simply means CONTROLLED BY.
Ephesians 5:18 / Galatians 2:20 / Galatians 5:16-25
Sometimes it’s SPECTACULAR, most often it’s SUBTLE.
Acts 2:1-21 & 1 Kings 19:11-13 / Philippians 2:13-14 / Proverbs 4:18 / John 3:8
Unfortunately, we always have some STATIC on the LINE. It’s called SIN.
Romans 7:14-20 / Acts 16:6-10 / 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
To be led of the Spirit we need to OVERCOME the STATIC.
Take time to LISTEN.
Isaiah 30:15
Check your inner promptings with THE BIBLE.
2 Timothy 3:15-17 / Psalm 119:105
Check with godly WISE COUNSEL.