Leader Guide 2024: Spring Week 4


For the week of April 14, 2024
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.

COACHING MOMENT: Building Trust and Dealing with Confidentiality Requests – As a leader, you may have someone who wants to share something private with you yet preface it with asking you to promise to not tell anyone. Our natural response is to say yes to this request to create safety for them. Yet that may be what actually limits them from seeking a resolution, support, or prayers from others.

With secrecy, a leader could be prevented from being able to get and offer the support and resources that person may need. That’s why we say never promise confidentiality.  We heal when we are in relationship with others. A better response to this would be, “Of course you can trust me to keep this between us, I care about you and you know that. But I think you know I can’t completely commit to that with anyone because I don’t know what exactly is going to be told to me as I may need to access some advice to learn how to help you. Again, I think you know you can trust me on this. Tell me, what’s on your mind?”

*Listen to audio for more details if you end up in an urgent situation, or call your life group pastor

“When we are vulnerable and share with others, we are known. When we are known, we are loved.”

If you missed the note on how to build trust and help your group be a space to share about their life, see the end of last week’s leader guide.

NEED HELP working out an isssue, trying to get everyone in your group to participate, have a dominator taking over, or anything else? If so, we’d love to help! Don’t hesitate to contact your Life Group Pastor to help you process and strategize to keep your group and you moving forward. lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/staff/

SERVICE PROJECT Check our website for some options: northcoastcommunityservice.org  

Online Social Ideas: lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/group-socials/

In-person Social Ideas: lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/suggestions-for-socials/

Submit your group’s attendance online at northcoastchurch.com/attendance. If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here: lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/how-to-post-attendance

1. When the series in Revelation was announced, what were your expectations about what would be covered? After hearing the first message, have your expectations changed at all?

Additional Questions:

  • If you didn’t already discuss everyone’s first reaction to finding out we were studying Revelation in last week’s meeting, it may be good to start with their first reaction and how they are feeling about the series: excited, nervous, intimidated, worried, etc.
  • Chris mentioned that 360 out of the 404 verses in Revelation refer to the Old Testament. Was that something you have heard or noticed before?
  • Maybe you’ve read and studied Revelation previously or maybe you’ve just heard of its reputation. On a scale of 1 to 10, how equipped do you feel to read and understand the book of Revelation? Do you feel more equipped after hearing Chris’ introduction of this series?
  • The Book of Revelation is full of imagery, and chapter 1 is no exception. Draw a picture or describe the image that comes to mind for you when you think of the Book of Revelation.

2. What do you hope to learn as we study Revelation together? Why do you want to learn or know that, and how might knowing that benefit you?

At the end of his message, Chris prays that we would learn what God wants us to learn from this book. Another way to ask this is,  “What do you think God might want us to learn?” Feel free to pray for this in your closing prayer time as a group as well.  

3. What was your favorite part of the message this weekend? Was there anything that challenged or confused you?

Additional Question: Was there anything new or surprising to you in this first message introducing Revelation?

1. Listen to or read Revelation 1 aloud. What topic or theme stands out to you most as you read it? What is it about that theme that stands out to you?

Chris made the point that this book is better heard and seen than read. Most people who would have heard this book when it was first originated would have heard it read aloud by one person. It would be great to also read this chapter aloud together in group before answering the questions for the week.

Note: Chris so briefly and quickly read the chapter in his sermon that there are a lot of rich themes and topics he didn’t have time to dive into. Feel free to spend more time in it as a group discussing themes you notice.  

2. Verse 3 calls those who read and hear this book “blessed.” What do you think it means to be blessed? What is a definition of blessing in your own words?

  • Blessing is very much a church-y word that has become rather cliché. How would you describe what it means without using the word “bless”?
  • What do you think is the blessing that God meant for those who read these words and take it to heart?

Additional Questions:

  • Verse 3 encourages readers to “take to heart” what is written in this book. As we start this new series in the Book of Revelation, is there anything you want to do to get the most out of it, to take these Words of God to heart? (Think outside the box of your normal rhythm. Perhaps it’s: listening to or reading the entire book in one sitting, memorizing a verse from each chapter, writing down questions to ask in Life Group, creating an art piece of the things you learn in this book, etc.)
  • Chris encouraged everyone to listen to the book of Revelation on audio in one sitting. Listening in a Bible app or website, this would probably be around 1 hour 20 minutes. You may want to ask your group if anyone has done that or challenge your group to do it together, thinking through fun ways to incentivize it—if everyone does it, you’ll do some sort of celebration together, for example, you’ll all get ice cream or something.

1. Chris challenged us to focus on what is revealed, not what is concealed. Why do you think it’s often hard for us to do that? In your own life, how easy or difficult is it for you to do this?

You can answer this question in terms of the book of Revelation, the entire Bible and the questions you may have that it doesn’t answer clearly, or in terms of what God might be doing in your life and wanting to know His will that seems to be concealed verses His will that is clearly revealed.

A fun way to think of this: Did you ever open or unwrap Christmas presents before Christmas? Is it hard for you to wait for things to be revealed when they are concealed?

Additional Scripture: 1 Peter 1:10-12

Additional Question: Have you ever known someone who was absolutely convinced Jesus was coming back in a few weeks, or have you yourself ever been convinced to then find out you were wrong?

2. In verse 17, John fell at Christ’s feet as though dead. Have you ever had a moment where you figuratively fell at Christ’s feet? I.e., a moment where you were awestruck, humbled, or moved in reverence of Christ or something He did? If so, explain. If not, what do you think it might take for you to have a moment like that?

Everyone may not have an answer for this, and that’s okay.

Additional Scripture: Daniel 7

You may also want to watch Chris’ Bonus Monday Daily Dose on Daniel 7 and the vision of Jesus John has in Revelation.

Additional Question: Is this vision of Jesus different than how you have normally pictured Him? What was the image of Jesus you had in your head when you were growing up or when you first heard about Him?

1. Chris talked about how this book should bring hope and that hope should impact how we live our lives. What do you think is different about a hopeful person compared to a pessimist or a fearful person? How does hope change things, and why does it matter?

Additional Question: Is there anyone you have seen model hope while facing darkness or uncertainty? What did they believe or do that showed hope?  

2. Chris talked about how, in Exodus 19, God told Moses that Israel would be a kingdom of priests, and in Revelation 1:5-6, we see this is fulfilled in Jesus. What does it look like to live as a “priest” or a representative of God in our world today, as you go about your daily activities and interactions with people?

When we hear “priest” we might think of the Catholic tradition or a pastor type of figure. What does it mean that you and I are priests?

How do we as individuals represent God and how do we as a church represent Him, as a kingdom of priests?

Additional Scripture: Exodus 19