For the week of February 23, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
NEED HELP WITH ANYTHING? We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact your Life Group pastor if you need some extra help leading the
discussion or addressing a specific topic or personal issue that has surfaced in your group.
• Remember you don’t have to answer every question!
• Choose questions best suited to your group.
• Listen to the Audio Guide for more discussion suggestions:
• Hear from everyone every time you meet! Setting time limits can help make this happen.
Begin to think about what service project you would like to do. Check our website for some options:
Online Social Ideas:
In-person Social Ideas:
Submit your group’s attendance online at If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here:
Check out our Tips and Tutorials for Online Groups here:
North Coast Women’s Conference, March 14 & 15.
Join the women of North Coast Church for this two-day event hosted at the Vista campus. Tracie Moss and special guest Ruth Chou Simons will challenge you to invite God into your now and your not yet, realizing your right now matters.
To learn more and register click here.
Prices increase March 1.
Serve Your City May 3-4, 2025
Serve Your City is a church-wide serving campaign focused on serving our local communities in three different ways:
Giving, Serving, and Loving.
Do you or one of your Life Group Members have trade skills that can help make Serve Your City possible? Are you willing to donate your time and skills?
Fill out this form to learn more!
1. Chris called this weekend our “midterm” since we’re about mid-way through our Foundations series. In your school days, what kind of test-taker were you? Studied weeks in advance, crammed the night before, guessed your way through?
Such a fun question to get to know the personalities in your group. Since we are in week 7 and there is a little bit of a better understanding of one another it may be fun to try and guess what kind of test-taker the different members in your group are together.
2. Have you ever been put in charge of something for someone else—like a friend’s car, pet, or house? How did you treat it differently than if it were your own?
3. What point or idea caught your attention the most in this weekend’s message?
The big takeaway this weekend was seeing your life as a manager, not an owner. Read Matthew 25:14-30.
1. How do you know if you’re acting like a manager or an owner? What are some differences?
This is a great question and could be a great one to hear from everyone on. To help get everyone sharing maybe break off into smaller groups and see what similar lists your group comes up with. This could also help get some different perspectives than if one person shares and then everyone else just agrees.
1a. What encouragement and illustration is given in Romans 12:1-2 to help us understand this mindset?
Read the passage together!
Additional scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Galatians 2:20, Philippians 1:20-21
2. The third servant hid his gold out of fear. What are some other common reasons people ‘hide’ or don’t use what God has given them? Is there a particular fear or obstacle that’s held you back before?
A great question to answer together as a group. Some scholars have suggested that the servant hid his gold out of a misunderstanding of the character of God, whereas the first two servants knew the master’s generosity, the third considered him harsh.Additional question: What are some misconceptions about who God is that many people believe? For example, God only helps those who help themselves. Or God is just up there waiting for us to make a mistake so he can punish us.
3. 2 Corinthians 10:12-13 warns against comparison with others, reminding us to be faithful to what we ourselves have been given. Does this challenge how you measure success in your own life? Does it bring comfort? Explain.
If you choose to go after this question as a group, it could be encouraging to dig into ways we compare our spiritual walk with others.
Additional Thought: Hebrews 10:24 encourages us to spur one another on in the things of God, then Hebrews 11 is called the hall of faith listing faithful men and women, lastly Hebrews 12:1-2 invites us to look at those and be stirred up to keep running the race. How can looking at others also bring us comfort to keep going after Jesus?
1. When you realize you’re a manager of what God has given you, your priorities shift. What’s a priority you’ve seen the Spirit change in your life as you’ve followed Christ?
This is a tough question for some, but I would lean into it together as a group. If there aren’t any priorities that shift, we could gently and lovingly ask the question are we still viewing things as owners?
2. Much like the servants were given gold, we have been given resources to manage for God’s kingdom. Let’s take an inventory.
Set a timer for 60 seconds and write down as many things you can think of that you have been given in your life.
Fun! I love setting the timer! Maybe prime the group by sharing some examples, like time, a job, a family, a specific skill or two or three.
Looking at your list, what do you notice? Which of those are you already investing in God’s kingdom? If there are any you aren’t, how could they be used for God’s kingdom?
1. To make sure we aren’t the foolish servant, what is one area or thing in your life that you need to be investing more in the kingdom, and what would that look like?
Additional thought: If someone in your group or even yourself can’t think of anything that you’ve been given, ask a close friend or family member what skills, talents or resources they may notice about them.
2. What fears might you have about changing from owner to manager in that area of your life? Is there a way your Life Group could support you in that process of trusting God with it?
Pastor Chris Brown
February 22-23, 2025
Message #8 / Matthew 25:14-30
Foundations 101 Midterm Review:
John 14
So far this semester, we have covered the Foundations of: God, The Bible, Mankind, Jesus, The Cross & Empty Tomb, and The Holy Spirit.
These are the “WHAT” of the Christian faith; for the second half of this semester, we are going to study the “HOW” and “WHY” of Christianity. In other words, what is the Holy Spirit intending to do IN US and WHY?
Living with eternity in mind:
Matthew 24:1-3, 25:14-30, John 4:34-38, Ephesians 4:7-8, 5:8-20, Luke 12:42-48, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 1 Peter 4:7-11
Every servant received equal TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY, not AMOUNTS.
We will have to give an ACCOUNT of how we USED what we have been GIVEN.The key to faithful living is changing our mindset from OWNER to MANAGER.
As a Christian, we can never plan our lives to our DEATHS, but for our ETERNITY.
Everyone gets equal TRUST and OPPORTUNITY, not GIFTS.
Luke 19:13, Matthew 25:15, John 4:35, Ephesians 4:7-8, 2 Peter 3:9
There is an expectation to USE what we have BEEN GIVEN.
Luke 19:13-15, Luke 12:42-48, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 1 Peter 4:8-11
The reward for faithful service is not REST, but more SERVICE.
Luke 19:17-19, Matthew 5:12, 25:21-23, Genesis 1:28, 2 Timothy 2:12, Luke 22:28-30, 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, Revelation 22:5, Matthew 13:43, Romans 8:16-17, Isaiah 9:7, Daniel 7:15-28, Revelation 2:26, 3:21, 5:9-10, 7:13-15, 20:4-6 (“Heaven” by Randy Alcorn)
Not building OUR wealth but managing GOD’S wealth.