For the week of February 2, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
Need help with anything? We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact your Life Group pastor if you need some extra help leading the discussion or addressing a specific topic or personal issue that has surfaced in your group.
- Remember you don’t have to answer every question!
- Choose questions best suited to your group.
- Listen to the Audio Guide/Podcast for more discussion suggestions.
- Hear from everyone every time you meet! Setting time limits can help make this happen.
Begin to think about what service project you would like to do. Check our website for some options:
Online Social Ideas:
In-person Social Ideas:
Submit your group’s attendance online at If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here:
Check out our Tips and Tutorials for Online Groups here:
Local Impact Opportunity for Life Groups – Serve as a Buddy for an Honored Guest at Night to Shine
North Coast Church has the honor of hosting Night to Shine, sponsored by the @Tim Tebow Foundation, on Friday, February 7, 4pm-9pm at the Vista Campus!
It takes hundreds of Buddy Volunteers to make Night to Shine an unforgettable prom night experience centered on God’s love for people with special needs ages 14 and older.
Attendees are our Honored Guests! Each Honored Guest is partnered with a Buddy who is with them throughout the night from 4pm-9pm. The role of a Buddy is a vital part of making this event a success!
Over 75 Buddy Volunteers are still needed to make Night to Shine possible. Learn more or register to serve as a Buddy at
Building the Connection in Your Group – As always, if you’re hearing from everyone each week you won’t have time to go through all the questions. If you haven’t done this yet, consider dividing into small groups to answer the last question and or take prayer requests to build the personal connection of your group.
- Chiefs or Eagles, or do you even care?
Fun one to just check in and warm up.
- If you could interview an eyewitness of Jesus’ life, what would you ask them and why?
A different perspective from last week’s question on what you would ask Jesus.
3. What was the thought, idea, fact, or statement that most captured your attention in this week’s message? Did it push you closer to or further from Jesus?
Chris mentioned the seven I AM statements in John’s gospel (6:35, 6:47-51, 8:12, 9:4-5, 10:7-10, 10:11-18,11:21-27, 14:1-7 & 15:1-8).
- Let’s examine just one of those statements in John 14:1-7. List the claims of Jesus as He attempted to calm the troubled hearts of His disciples and, by extension, us, contained in that passage. What do each of those claims convey to His followers?
Start by sharing that most of us, at some point, are concerned about how God is going to work in a situation of even show up. Go through each verse asking what your group came up with. Below is a resource adapted from There is also a video option you or your group can watch. Make sure you get time in this section to answer #2 below.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
- Claim: He recognizes their distress. Jesus equates belief in Himself with belief in God, reinforcing His divine nature and power to take care of them in the midst of their fear.
- Meaning to us: He knows when we’re troubled and wants to reassure us that He’s there though we may be worried he’s not going to be. We can trust Him as we trust God. He calls us to continue to have faith in Him. This assures them that He is completely trustworthy and sovereign over their circumstance.
2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
- Claim: He has a place for us. Jesus speaks of heaven as a real and prepared place where believers will dwell.
- Meaning to us: This promise offers comfort by affirming that our future is secure. Jesus is personally ensuring a place for those who trust in Him.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
- Claim: He will return for us and take his followers to be with him for eternity.
- Meaning to us: His second coming is our source of hope, emphasizing that He desires an eternal relationship with us as his followers.
4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”
- Claim: Jesus tells His disciples that they already know the way to eternal life.
- Meaning to us: This foreshadows His next statement—He Himself is the way. Knowing Jesus means knowing the way to eternal life. He alone is the only way to the Father.
- “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (v.6)
- Claim: Jesus boldly declares that He is the exclusive path to God.
- Meaning to us: This claim is central to Christian faith. Jesus is the way (our only path to salvation), the truth (the ultimate revelation of God), and the life (the source of eternal life). Salvation cannot be found outside of Him.
- “If you really know me, you will know my Father as well… you do know him and have seen him.” (v.7)
- Claim: Jesus reveals that knowing Him means knowing God the Father.
- Meaning to us: He affirms His divine identity. Seeing Jesus is equivalent to seeing the Father, reinforcing the unity between them.
- Which of the claims do you find most calming or troublesome, and why?
Good question for everyone to answer. They may not have an answer for both.
This weekend, Chris shared nine of the many proofs of the resurrection including biblical and non-biblical sources.
- Which of the proofs were or are the most compelling, and why?
Good question to have everyone answer.
- How much proof did you need to buy into the Jesus story? If you are still on the fence, what keeps you from believing the Jesus story?
Leader note – Discussion help – Be sensitive aware to those who may still have doubts or have not decided to follow Jesus. Encourage an open and honest dialogue without pressure for immediate resolution. The goal of this conversation is not to immediately convince someone on the spot, rather to help them process and be heard as God’s spirit is leading and guiding them.
You may hear a variety of answers beyond the proofs listed in the message. You can adapt this question to ask, “What proof or who influenced you most to follow Jesus? – personal study, a sermon, a living example of others, teacher, pastor, parents, friend, personal failure, success, brokenness, need for forgiveness, hope, or other?”
Additional Questions:
- What doubts have you had, still have, or have kept you from making a commitment to follow Jesus? Are you wrestling with any now?
- Do you have an example of how you personally have worked through doubt or disbelief?
Additional Verses:
- Dealing with Doubt – Mark 9:24; Matthew 14:29-31 What the bible says about doubt – Note Jesus’s response to those doubting.
- How our lives are changed to follow Jesus – Heart and Head – the holy spirit is who convicts and changes people, not us. John 14:26; 16:8-10, 13. Yet, we can also point to rational reasons why we believe Jesus’ resurrection and gospel to be true, just as Paul did in Acts 19:8-9
- Looking back at John 14:1-7, the most audacious claim of Jesus is that He is the only way to the Father. If we truly believe this bold claim of Jesus, what impact should this have on us and those in our lives?
Good questions to hear from your group. See additional examples below.
God’s spirit compels us to live out the love of God 2 Corinthians 5:13-21. Believing that Jesus is the only way to the Father should fundamentally shape our lives in several ways:
- Personal Transformation: It should deepen our faith, leading us to trust Jesus fully and follow His teachings more faithfully. This belief calls for a life centered on Him, marked by obedience, love, and worship.
- Changed Relationships: Our interactions with others should reflect the love and grace of Jesus. If we truly believe in Him, we should strive to embody His character in our relationships—offering forgiveness, speaking truth in love, and living with integrity.
- Confidence and Assurance: This claim should give us peace and security in our salvation. We don’t have to search for other paths to God—He has already provided the way through Christ.
- Urgency in Evangelism: If Jesus is the only way to salvation, it should create a sense of urgency in our hearts to live out his love and share the gospel with those who do not yet know Him.
Which one have you seen God prompt you the most?
- If Jesus is truly the only way, what should our responsibility be in sharing this truth?
Idea – if you have time send these verses out to your group before your meeting.
- 2 Corinthians 5:20 We represent Jesus in how we live, speak, and love others.
How did others have a positive affective on you to follow Jesus? Did you have examples of Christians having an adverse effect in following Jesus. - Matthew 28:19-20 A commitment to live out our faith and help others follow Jesus as we do in Life Group.
- 1 Peter 3:15-16 Encourages us to always be ready to explain the hope we have in Christ. Sharing your testimony can simply be sharing your need for forgiveness, and living for him gives you hope to help others see God’s love live be him for eternity.
- What are some ways we can be intentional in sharing this truth?
Brainstorm with your group or offer them this list. See what they would add.
- Serving Others: Acts of kindness and service can open doors to conversations about faith. When people ask why you serve, you can share about the love of Jesus.
- Building Relationships: Engage with others in meaningful relationships. Show genuine care and concern before sharing the gospel—people need to see Jesus in us before they hear about Him from us. Walk alongside someone who is exploring faith. Answer their questions, read Scripture together, and ask them how you can pray with them.
- Personal Testimony: Share your own story of how Jesus has transformed your life. People connect deeply with real experiences.
- Inviting Others to Church or Small Group: A simple invitation to a Sunday service, a small group, or a Christian event can open doors for deeper conversations.
- Praying for Opportunities: Ask God to create divine appointments where you can share the gospel naturally with someone in need of hope.
Which are most important for you to pay attention to?
- Breaking into small groups option – If you haven’t done this yet it’s encouraged to break into small groups or “men only / women only groups to answer this question and take prayer requests.
Pastor Chris Brown
February 2, 2025
Message #4/ Matthew 26: 36-56
Is Jesus Really The Only Way?
The claims of Jesus:
John 6:35, 8:12, 10:7-11, 11:25, 14:1-7, 15:1
Jesus claimed that He was the:
Those outrageous claims need proof:
Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 & 21, Acts 9:1-6, 1 Corinthians 15:1-9
- Four eyewitness BIOGRAPHIES from the TIME and PLACE
- Non-biblical sources state the EMPTY TOMB claims
- Multiple appearances of a living Jesus to OVER 500 PEOPLE
- Critics claim that the BODY WAS STOLEN
- The FEMALE witnesses and DISCIPLES’ failure
- The disciples’ dramatic RESPONSE and DEATHS
- An explosive new culture of BELIEFS and PRACTICES
- Change in PAUL’S life
- Change in JAMES’ life
What do we do with these claims?
Matthew 26:36-56, Luke 22:39-46, Mark 14:32-42, Hebrews 12:1-3
Jesus believed He had to die and rise again as the ONLY WAY.
This makes Christianity a story about a BRUTALLY SADISTIC God, or a God who made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE as the only option to FORGIVE OUR SIN.