For the week of January 26, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
Need help with anything? We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact your Life Group pastor if you need some extra help leading the discussion, or addressing a specific topic or personal issue that has surfaced in your group.
ð DISCUSSION SUGGESTIONS · Remember you don’t have to answer every question! · Choose questions best suited to your group. · Listen to the Podcast for more discussion suggestions. · Hear from everyone every time you meet! Setting time limits can help make this happen.
ð Begin to Make PLANS FOR YOUR SOCIAL and/or SERVICE PROJECT Begin to think about what service project you would like to do. Check out the Impact website for some incredible options! SOCIAL OPTIONS Online Social Ideas: In-person Social Ideas: ð ATTENDANCE Submit your group’s attendance online at If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here: ð ONLINE GROUPS Check out our Tips and Tutorials for Online Groups here:
ABOUT POLITICS IN LIFE GROUP – We believe it is important for Jesus followers to think through and process how they are going to vote and engage in politics. But due to the polarizing nature of our current political climate, we want to keep our Life Group meetings free of politics and focused on relationships with each other and God’s Word.
Presenting the Good News of Jesus’ saving grace to all, and the unity we have as believers is vitally important to us. In light of this, remember to keep politics completely out of your Life Group discussions. We exist to minister to everyone who wants to know Jesus. Every election cycle we have Christians who become divided over issues and can be deeply offended by comments, jokes, and even prayer requests. We do not want to send the message that people who vote a certain way or have differing political views are not welcome. If someone in your group starts to take things in a political direction (be it with humor, a rant or even a “prayer request” for a specific outcome), gently remind them that the body of Christ (and North Coast Church) is made up of followers of Jesus – some of whom are Republicans, Independents, Democrats, etc.
Local Impact Opportunity for Life Groups – Serve as a Buddy for an Honored Guest at Night to Shine
North Coast Church has the honor of hosting Night to Shine, sponsored by the @Tim Tebow Foundation, on Friday, February 7, 4pm-9pm at the Vista Campus!
It takes hundreds of Buddy Volunteers to make Night to Shine an unforgettable prom night experience centered on God’s love for people with special needs ages 14 and older.
Attendees are our Honored Guests! Each Honored Guest is partnered with a Buddy who is with them throughout the night from 4pm-9pm. The role of a Buddy is a vital part of making this event a success!
Over 75 Buddy Volunteers are still needed to make Night to Shine possible. Learn more or register to serve as a Buddy at
Desert Rat Experience – 20th Anniversary – The Desert Rat Experience is a man’s weekend designed for guys who are into all kinds of off-roading. It’s our 20th Year for Desert Rat we will be offering the greatest raffle grand prize ever — a brand new 2024 KTM 350 EXC! All proceeds raised go to Oceanside Women’s Resource Center, which helps women in distress!!!!
You can count on lots of riding time, great Desert Rat messages from our own Chris Brown and three hot meals!
Click here for more details –
- This week Larry talked about Jesus: “The Man, The Myth, The Lord.” If you had to describe Jesus in a creative tagline or phrase like that from a movie poster or ad campaign, what would it be?
Examples: JESUS: “All man. All God. All Lord.” (From Robocop “Part man. Part machine. All cop.”)
“A long time ago, He made a galaxy far, far away.” (From Star Wars “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.”)
- If you could ask Jesus one fun, “get-to-know-you” question about His time on earth, what would it be?
This is an opportunity to have a light-hearted, fun conversation. If your group wants to go deeper that’s ok too. But there is no pressure here to have a deep answer. This question is meant to get walls down and get discussion going. You might start off with your answer to set the tone as light-hearted. Here are some ideas to get you started (Why did He make tarantulas? Or why was John “The disciple that Jesus loved” and did he really run faster than Peter, or just that one time? What was His favorite food as a human? What part of His own creation did He enjoy the most?)
- What idea has stuck with you the most since hearing this weekend’s message?
If necessary, you might want to help spark their memories by giving a quick review of some of the major points. Be prepared with your own answer if people are hesitant to be the first to talk.
We kicked off this series four weeks ago with Matthew 7:24-29. Let’s reread it reflecting on what we heard this weekend about Jesus.
The Man: Jesus uses a simple, relatable example to teach this lesson. What stands out to you about Jesus’ choice to use everyday stories to convey deeper truths?
One way He communicated complex spiritual truths, is through relatable stories of everyday human life. He wants us to see where our humanity and spirituality intersect. This shows us the humanity of Jesus Himself; that He understands us and what it is to be human. He understands and experienced the human condition for Himself. He speaks in human examples and terms. He is the bridge of God to humanity.
Here are some additional verses that display Jesus’ humanity:
He experienced human emotions, including joy, sorrow, and anger.
John 11:35 – Wept at Lazarus’s death
Luke 22:44 – In anguish – falling to the ground in Gethsemane
Mark 3:5 – Angry and deeply distressed at religious leaders’ response to his healing on the Sabbath
He experienced hunger, thirst, and fatigue.
Matthew 21:18 – Hungry
John 4:6 – Tired and fatigued from his journey
There were things he didn’t know or understand.
Mark 13:22 – Didn’t know the time of his return
The Myth: Why do you think some people treat Jesus’ words as optional or mythical, not putting them into practice (v.26)?
An additional verse to help your group answer this question is James 1:14-15 and 2 Timothy 3:2.
The Lord: What does it look like to build your life on Jesus as Lord?
A good reminder here would be the working definition of faith that Larry mentioned: Trusting God enough to do what He says. You could draw a distinction here between the title “Lord” and “Savior”. They are not the same thing. A lot of us don’t mind having our sins forgiven, but we still have our hands on the “controller” of our life (our mouth, our money, our entertainment, our time, our attitude, our thought life, etc.)
- Matthew 7:24-29 emphasizes obeying Jesus’ words. Can you think of a time when obeying Jesus’ words (or not) made a significant difference in your life? What did you learn?
If you are having trouble getting going here, you could prompt them for a story of undeserved forgiveness, trusting God with money, telling the truth, giving up a vice, etc.
- This weekend, Larry focused on Jesus’ question, “Who do you say I am?” In your own words, how would you describe who Jesus is to you? Would you say it any differently if you were talking to someone who seems genuinely curious versus someone who seems skeptical?
For reference, you could read Matthew 16:13-17. To get below the surface, try to ask your group what implications this identity has.
It could be helpful to move them to 1 Peter 3:15.
How do we handle mockers? How do we handle conversations with people who don’t want to know Jesus but simply want to set us up for a losing battle no matter what we say? (Matthew 7:6)
- What are common areas where we tend to “call an audible” (switch the agreed-upon play)? In other words, where do we tend to go “Yes, Jesus is in charge, but here’s an exception”? What does it take to trust Jesus in those areas instead?
These are things that are easy for us to justify, and we see as no big deal. Remember Larry mentioned that what we believe to be true or want to be true is irrelevant if it doesn’t coincide with Scripture. We model our life after His Word, not our feelings. (ie: calling gossip “venting”, justifying anger, watching things because we are “mature enough to handle it, not showing forgiveness in a certain situation, not being completely honest, not honoring God with our money or sexuality.)
- Larry defined faith as trusting Jesus enough to do what He says. What do you think is one next step of faith or obedience you could take this week?
This could feel like a vulnerable question. As the leader, set the tone for how to share this kind of answer. Not everyone needs to share or if you feel like your group isn’t ready to talk on this level, you could rephrase it as something for them to personally pray and reflect on rather than share out loud.
Pastor Larry Osborne
January 25-26, 2025
Message #3 / Genesis 1-4
The Man, The Myth, The Lord
Who do YOU say that I am?
Matthew 16:13-16/ Mark 3:22/ John 11:48/ Matthew 11:2-6
Jesus The Man
Jesus lived His earthly life as a fully HUMAN BEING.
Philippians 2:3-11 (especially vs 6-7)/ Luke 2:52/ John 11:35 & Luke 22:44/ John 4:6/ Mark 13:32
Luke 3:21-23; 4:1-2, 13-15/ Matthew 12:24-32
The one difference was that He didn’t have a SIN NATURE.
1 John 3:5/ 2 Corinthians 5:21
Why is this so important?
Hebrews 4:15 & Matthew 4:1-11/ 1 Corinthians 15:45 & Romans 5:17-21
Jesus The Myth
Jesus was not, and is not, merely:
- A MYTHICAL figure.
- A great PROPHET.
- A political & religious REFORMER.
- An enlightened TEACHER.
- Whoever we WANT and IMAGINE Him to be.
Jesus The LORD
Jesus was crystal clear in His claims to be GOD in the FLESH.
John 10:30-33/ John 5:18/ Matthew 28:18
The apostles chose DEATH rather than recanting Jesus’ DEITY and RESURRECTION.
Colossians 1:15-19/ 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
If Jesus is LORD, there’s no room for calling an AUDIBLE.