For the week of January 19, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
Begin to think about what service project you would like to do. Check our website for some options: SOCIAL OPTIONS In-person Social Ideas: ð life group commitment form Go over the Commitment Form with anyone who missed the first week. If anyone did not sign the Commitment Form, remind them to do so. ð SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT WEEK #2 Remember we’re in week #2 with your group. People are still acclimating, especially any new people. Lead your group through the questions according to how well everyone knows each other. There are plenty of questions in this guide to take you deeper. And remember, as a leader, your goal each night is to lead your group in such a way that you hear from everyone and use the Bible as your guide. Know that if you do this each week, the people in your group will grow! Remember you don’t need to cover all the questions. Great conversation and connection are far more important than covering all the questions. Listen to audio for additional tips. ð Prayer Note Check out the Tips on Group Prayer at the end of this Leader’s Guide. If you have new people in your group, please make sure you go over this. And NEVER make someone pray. Group prayer is similar to public speaking, which is the #1 fear people have. More than once, we’ve had people tell us they quit a Life Group because a well-intentioned person required everyone to pray. ð ATTENDANCE Follow up with anyone who missed your group last week and let them know you would still love to have them in the group even if they have not returned your messages. Indicate whether or not you’ve not heard from them when you submit your attendance. If you have still not heard from them after this week’s meeting, let us know and we’ll drop them from your group. Submit your group’s attendance online at If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here: ð ONLINE GROUPS Check out our Tips and Tutorials for Online Groups here: PRO-TIPS TO keep your online experience great and avoid zoom fatigue 1) Shorten meetings to 75 minutes or less. 2) Use breakout rooms to personalize conversation. (If possible, try to do this at least 5-10 minutes every meeting.) 3) Coach people on how to engage and speak up online. (Practicing this can really help.) |
Local Impact Opportunity for Life Groups – Serve as a Buddy for an Honored Guest at Night to Shine
North Coast Church has the honor of hosting Night to Shine, sponsored by the @Tim Tebow Foundation, on Friday, February 7, 4pm-9pm at the Vista Campus!
It takes hundreds of Buddy Volunteers to make Night to Shine an unforgettable prom night experience centered on God’s love for people with special needs ages 14 and older.
Attendees are our Honored Guests! Each Honored Guest is partnered with a Buddy who is with them throughout the night from 4pm-9pm. The role of a Buddy is a vital part of making this event a success!
Over 75 Buddy Volunteers are still needed to make Night to Shine possible. Learn more or register to serve as a Buddy at
Desert Rat Experience – 20th Anniversary – The Desert Rat Experience is a man’s weekend designed for guys who are into all kinds of off-roading. It’s our 20th Year for Desert Rat we will be offering the greatest raffle grand prize ever — a brand new 2024 KTM 350 EXC! All proceeds raised go to Oceanside Women’s Resource Center, which helps women in distress!!!!
You can count on lots of riding time, great Desert Rat messages from our own Chris Brown and three hot meals!
Click here for more details –
1. Share one fun, little-known fact about yourself, such as a hidden talent or interesting hobby.
Super fun get-to-know-you question.
2. Have you ever thought an item you owned was of little value, only to find out later it was worth a lot more than you realized—or thought something was really valuable, only to find out it was not?
3. Did anything in this weekend’s message challenge, encourage, or surprise you?
This is always a great question. If there are things that stood out to you as the leader, you can open it up with your insights!
1.The Bible tells us that we are made in God’s image, loved by Him, and made for a purpose. Which of these three truths do you think you understand the most? Which is hardest for you to grasp? What steps, if any, could you take to live more fully in these realities?
Additional scriptures: On Being In God’s Image.2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:29,
On Being loved by God, Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Zephaniah 3:17
On Having a Purpose, Ephesians 2:10, Proverbs 16:4
As you unpack this question with your group let it be a rich time of encouragement. Remember to try to hear from everyone. To try to keep from any one person being given all the advice on how they could live in a particular area that is hard to grasp for them instead offer to make a list together of how the entire group could remind one another of these truths regularly.
2. As you reflect on being made in God’s image, read Psalm 139. Notice the depth of God’s care, presence and involvement in our lives. What stands out to you about how God cares for, interacts, and relates with you personally?
Take time to read the passage together as a group. One way this could be approached as a group is to have various people read 6 verses at a time. Break after each reader and discuss what the 6 verses reveal. When you come to the last section of 6 verses make note of what they reveal about how we should view sin and how it ends with a looking at our hearts before the Lord.
Each week, “Share It” questions help us reflect and share our personal life experiences about the topic at hand, considering how it works or has worked out in our lives.
1.We often define ourselves by our careers, relationships, achievements, or failures. How do you typically view yourself (consciously or subconsciously)? Did this weekend’s message and the reading of Psalm 139 make you think differently about your identity? If so, how?
2.How has God’s Word and work in your life helped you reflect Him more completely?
By spending time with God and seeing how He changes things in us we can gain a better understanding of our testimony. If you been a group for a while you can share ways you see one another reflect Christ.
If you have a new group sharing stories even small ones can be fun, as a leader you can start with something simple that may invite someone to see how God is reflected in them even when they aren’t always aware of it. For example, maybe you were more patient with a parent or child then you have been in the past.
1.The best way to grow closer in a relationship with someone is to spend time with them. The same is true with God, and it’s one of the reasons God dedicated the seventh day to rest in our relationship with Him. List some ways you can spend time with God and grow closer to Him, thereby becoming more like Him.
Make a list with your group. Here are some examples, pray, read your Bible, take a moment during your day to sit in silence and thank God, when a worry comes up pray and ask God to help you trust Him more, etc.
2.Go for an intentional walk or drive through your neighborhood this week. As you pass people, ask God to help you see them the way He sees them: as bearers of His image, created and loved by Him. Does this change your perspective of those you might have initially judged or written off?
This is a really fun and challenging activity to do that can help our hearts align with God’s.
Prayer is an important part of being in a Life Group. Over the years, we’ve found that group prayer goes better when we follow three simple guidelines.
WE PRAY FOR ONE TOPIC AT A TIME – Anyone in the group is free to introduce a prayer request, either before prayer begins or during prayer time. Once a topic is introduced, the group focuses on that request alone. Once it’s covered, the group moves on to the next topic.
PRAY MORE THAN ONCE – Because the group is focusing on one topic at a time, each person is encouraged to pray several times during the prayer time for those topics they feel most led to pray about. No one is required to pray.
WE KEEP OUR PRAYERS SHORT AND SIMPLE – Group prayer goes better when members keep their prayers short and to the point. When someone prays for a long time, it’s hard for the other members to stay focused, and long prayers tend to intimidate those who are just learning to pray out loud in a group. No one is required to pray out loud.
Pastor Chris Brown
January 18-19, 2025
Message #3 / Genesis 1-4
Why Are We Here?
Made in God’s image and likeness?
Genesis 1-2, Genesis 1:26-28
The Bible claims that there is one God who is the CREATOR, and He exists in RELATIONSHIP, for RELATIONSHIP.
An IMAGE is created to IMAGE something.
A likeness is not the EQUALITY or FULLNESS of something, but a mere REPRESENTATION or REFLECTION of something.
Made with a purpose?
Genesis 1:26-28, Exodus 19:1-6, Deuteronomy 6:1-25, Ephesians 2:10
Humans were made to SUBDUE and RULE, all while reflecting God’s IMAGE and LIKENESS by being in RELATIONSHIP with Him.
A God that allows evil?
Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24
Being made to reflect the God of LOVE and JUSTICE demands FREE WILL because both are CHOICES.
What do we do with broken images?
Genesis 4, Mark 12:28-31
We find our TRUE PURPOSE when we return to our TRUE PURPOSE.
We find our TRUE VALUE when we return to our TRUE VALUE.
We treat EVERY IMAGE of God with the value He has placed on them, REGARDLESS of their BROKENNESS.