Watch this video from Dave Enns!
For the week of January 12, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
Goals of the First Meeting
- Re-connect with existing members and meet new members
- Cast vision for the quarter with your group as you go over the Commitment form
- Clarify your group’s direction / expectations / commitments using the Life Group Commitment Form
- Briefly discuss the sermon topic (if there is time)
- Pray for the building of relationships and the spiritual growth of the group
Items Needed for the First Meeting
- Life Group Commitment Form– Review this with your group. This was mailed to you last week in your leader packet, and can also be found online here:
- Nametags for in-person groups (print or write them out ahead of time).
Contact Your Group in Advance
- Contact all members one week before the first meeting to welcome them to the group. You can check your roster online to see all the members of your group and their contact information. You can find instructions on how to check your roster here:
- In-person groups – Inform members of the location and time of your group and how you’re handling food.
- Online groups – Make sure you send the link to your meeting well in advance and preferably again on the day you meet.
Pro-Tips to Maximize the Online Groups Experience
1) Shorten meetings to 75 minutes or less. Also, build in some extra availability and connection to be on 10 minutes early and available 10 to 20 minutes after if people want to connect.
2) Use break-out rooms to personalize conversations. (If possible, try to do this for at least 5-10 minutes every meeting.)
3) Coach people on how to engage and speak up online. (Practicing this can really help.)
* More how-to’s at this link: Pro-Tips & Facilitation Tips to maximize your Online Experience.
AGENDA for your first meeting
Looking for more guidance on your first meeting? You can find the “First Night Agenda” on how to make your first night great on the Leader Tools page of our website. ( You can also listen to the audio version of the leader guide here.
How We Measure Success Week to Week: Hearing from everyone at every meeting and keeping God’s Word at the center.
Make sure you leave plenty of time to review the Life Group Commitment Form with your group.
- Welcome & Eat – Potluck is a great option. Online groups can try a virtual dinner option if they would like.
- Group Sharing – Discussion Note: You can transition from the “Getting to Know You” section to the “Looking Ahead” section.
- Study Questions Discussion (optional – we do encourage you to spend time on the “Redeeming” question that has Colossians 3:12-17)
- Go over the Life Group Commitment Form – Use the last question in the Leader Guide to Study Questions below to transition into reviewing the Commitment Form.
- Close in prayer.
- Mingle afterward.
Local Impact Opportunity for Life Groups – Serve as a Buddy for an Honored Guest at Night to Shine
North Coast Church has the honor of hosting Night to Shine, sponsored by the @Tim Tebow Foundation, on Friday, February 7, 4pm-9pm at the Vista Campus!
It takes hundreds of Buddy Volunteers to make Night to Shine an unforgettable prom night experience centered on God’s love for people with special needs ages 14 and older.
Attendees are our Honored Guests! Each Honored Guest is partnered with a Buddy who is with them throughout the night from 4pm-9pm. The role of a Buddy is a vital part of making this event a success!
Over 75 Buddy Volunteers are still needed to make Night to Shine possible. Learn more or register to serve as a Buddy at
Desert Rat Experience – 20th Anniversary – The Desert Rat Experience is a man’s weekend designed for guys who are into all kinds of off-roading. It’s our 20th Year for Desert Rat we will be offering the greatest raffle grand prize ever — a brand new 2024 KTM 350 EXC! All proceeds raised go to Oceanside Women’s Resource Center, which helps women in distress!!!!
You can count on lots of riding time, great Desert Rat messages from our own Chris Brown and three hot meals!
Click here for more details –
Your first meeting is designed for getting acquainted, connecting and enjoying a meal together, and discussing how to make your Life Group meetings great! The questions have been shortened this week to allow ample time for this.
Discussion Note: If you have new people in your group or a completely new group and it hasn’t come up in conversation before the meeting officially starts, try adding these to the “Get to Know You” questions after question #1 below.
1) Latest or favorite hobby.
2) How long have you been attending North Coast Church?
3) How long have you been in this life group?
Discussion Tips: These are effective for both in-person and online groups. Remember to set time limits to ensure everyone has an opportunity to answer the questions.
Each week, “Warm Up” questions help us break the ice, get to know each other, start the conversation, and share our initial impressions from the weekend’s message.
- What was the most memorable part of your holiday season? This can be a funny story, a favorite tradition, a gift you received, or anything else that comes to mind.
- What are some reasons you joined a Life Group, and what are you looking forward to this quarter?
Transition Statement to Life Group Commitment: “It’s great to hear what each of you has said about what you want to get out of your time in our group. One of the great benefits of being in a Life Group is the opportunity to have help from others as we seek to be strategic and intentional about our spiritual growth. The Life Group Commitment is designed to serve as intentional guidelines to help us make the most of our time together.” (see below)
Link to the form for people in your group
Go over the Life Group Commitment Form with your group. See below, or you can download the Leader Guide to the Life Group Commitment. Use this as a guide to keep your group healthy in communicating and caring for one another each week. (The leader audio will give you more details on how to do this effectively.)
Close in prayer: If you have anyone new in your group and you don’t know them, it is recommended to close with your host or one person praying. Next week, the Study Questions will include an introduction to praying in a group, so if you have a new group or a lot of new members, it’s suggested that you wait until week two to do any group prayer.
Mingle with everyone after the meeting. Even if you’re online, stay on an extra 10 minutes to see if anyone wants to connect and hang out just like you would at an in-person meeting.
Each week, “Know It” questions help us understand or unpack the Scripture from the message further.
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. List some ways the Bible can help “equip” you in your faith. Does anything jump out at you?
Each week, “Share It” questions help us reflect and share our personal life experiences about the topic at hand, considering how it works or has worked out in our lives.
- Have you had an experience when you realized the Bible was truly alive and powerful because of the impact it had on your life?
This question could be an encouragement to new believers or those who may be asking questions as they explore Christianity. As a leader if you have an answer, make sure you share it. Or if you have someone in your group you already know well reach out to them to see if they can plan to answer this question in group.
2.Are there any resources that have helped you better understand the Bible and do what it says? If so, share them with the group.
STUDY BIBLES (Bibles that include short, helpful details and explanations for each passage):
The Bible Recap, NIV Study Bible, Life Application Study Bible, CSB Study Bible, ESV Study Bible
YouVersion App and Offers a wide variety of translations, reading plans, and audio options.
Dwell Bible App: Presents the bible as an audiobook with multiple translations, voices, themed playlists, devotions, and background music.
The Bible Project: Free resources including videos, podcasts, articles, and classes to help people experience the Bible in a way that is approachable and transformative.
Each week, “Live It” questions help us think through how we can apply the topic or put it into action in our lives.
Chris talked about the inspiration, truth, power, and authority of the Bible. If you believe that the Bible is true, even one aspect of it, how should it change your life and relationships right now?
Not everyone in the group is going to have an answer to this question. As the leader, if you choose to pursue this question, make sure it is in a gentle manner and tone. The reality of scripture is it does make demands on our lives. A way to possibly soften this question would be to ask, “What is one thing God is asking you to obey Him in right now?”
Leader’s Guide to life group COMMITMENT
- Download this and other Commitments:
- When discussing, use the proactive leadership style – clear direction, yet flexible
Small groups thrive on participation! The purpose of this commitment is to help you to discuss and
clarify your group’s goals, expectations and commitments.
Life Groups exist to promote spiritual maturity and personal growth through meaningful Christian relationships and the study of God’s Word (Romans 8:29 & Hebrews 10:24-25). We’ll do this by focusing on four primary activities:
Each week we’ll take time to share what is happening in our lives. At first this sharing will include planned “sharing questions,” but after the first few weeks, it will become more informal and personal as we feel more comfortable.
Each week we’ll study a section from God’s Word that relates to the previous weekend’s sermon or an appropriate personal growth topic. Our goal is to learn how to live out our Christianity in everyday life.
Our goal is to interact interpersonally on the topic and how we can practically follow Christ, not to answer all the questions.
Each week we’ll learn how to take care of one another as Christ commanded (John 15:9-13). This care can take many forms, such as prayer, encouragement, listening, challenging one another and meeting real needs.
Spiritual growth is fostered not only by what we gain through the support and input of others, but also through service to others. The role each of us fills is important to the health of the church and for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community (Ephesians 4:11-16). Throughout the quarter, it is our hope you can find and/or be affirmed in the ways God has designed you to serve and make a difference in God’s Kingdom.
For our group to be healthy, we need to…
- Make spiritual growth our number one priority (Romans 8:29).
- Tangents – they are okay sometimes, but sometimes we need to be refocused. We’ll need to keep spiritual growth our focus and stay on topic.
- Accept one another (Romans 15:7).
- We will have different preferences.
- Take care of one another (John 13:34).
- When crisis happens we’re there to help with support, prayer, encouragement, listening, meals etc.
- Treat each other with respect (Ephesians 4:25-5:2).
- Listening to one another, if one’s talking let’s all listen, nothing worse than two conversations going on at once.
- Our goal is to listen, not give advice. (Advice is given when asked for) We are not here to judge or fix – unless someone asks. An example of giving advice is by saying, “Well this is what I think you should do.” On the other hand, that doesn’t mean we can’t question what is said or what someone is doing.
- Some of us have the gift of gab, also known as a dominator – be careful, I as a leader might have to help you.
- Be careful of gossip prayers. For example, “we need to pray for (person’s name) because they are doing this …”
- No put-downs.
- What is said here, stays here – of course we never promise confidentiality if something shared would be harmful to yourself or someone else and/or if I, as the leader, need to seek counsel on how to respond to an issue in the group.
- Keep our commitments to the group (Psalm 15:1-2, 4b).
- Please give us a call if you can’t make it to Life Group so we know what’s going on and how to pray for you.
1. | Dates | We’ll meet on ______________ nights for _____ weeks. Our final meeting of this quarter will be on ___________. Fill in blanks
2. | Time | We’ll arrive between _______ & _______ and begin the meeting at _______. We’ll spend approximately _____ minutes in singing (optional), _____ minutes in study/discussion and _____ minutes in prayer/sharing. Fill in blanks
3. | Children | Group members are responsible to arrange childcare for their children. Nursing newborns are welcome provided they are not a distraction to the group!
4. | Study | Our studies will focus on the same topic covered in the previous weekend’s sermon or an appropriate personal growth topic. Our goal is to hear from everyone every night and keep God’s Word at the center. Not to answer every question.
5. | Prayer | Praying for one another. You’ll go over tips on topical prayer the second week of group. Remember – being forced to pray in group or just the idea of it can cause people to not want to come to your group. If you have new people in your group, you might want to say something like this: “It’s exciting to see how God works in our lives through prayer. We also realize prayer in groups is something many have never done. Know that you will never be forced to pray.” Let them know you’ll talk more in the weeks to come on how we do group prayer and that we break a lot of the stereotypes of what it means to pray.
6. | Homework & Attendance | Joining a Life Group requires a commitment to attend each week and do the homework ahead of time. Obviously, allowances are made for sickness, work conflicts and other special events—but not much more!
This commitment is the key to a healthy group.
If we cannot come to a meeting, we will call or text ________________________. Þ Emphasize the importance of the commitment to attendance and preparation. (A good group starts with good preparation) Þ Make sure that everyone is with you. (Do we agree? Is this what we want? Make eye contact, etc.) Þ Most weeks require 20-30 minutes of homework to prepare for the group study and discussion.
7. | Dessert | Have everyone sign up for a night to do dessert.
8. | Social & Service Projects | Emphasize the importance of a quarterly social and service project. As a leader and host, have 2 or 3 suggestions ready and 2 or 3 potential dates. Choose a date or ask the group to bring their calendars next week. New groups are preferred to have their social by mid-quarter. |
We agree to honor this commitment throughout the quarter.
(To be decided by each person on or before the third week.)
Pastor Chris Brown
January 11-12, 2025
Message #2 / 2 Timothy 3:14-17, 2 Peter 1:16-21
Is There Evidence For The Bible?
What the Bible claims about itself:
2 Timothy 3:14-17, 2 Peter 1:16-21, John 17:17, James 1:22, Romans 1:16, Hebrews 4:12
The Bible claims that it is: Inspired by GOD, The absolute TRUTH, The ultimate AUTHORITY, ALIVE and POWERFUL, All-SUFFICIENT.
If any of these CLAIMS are TRUE, then we owe it to ourselves to seriously QUESTION this BOOK.
Can we trust the accuracy of the text?
Book | Date Written |
Earliest Copies |
Time Gap |
No. of Copies |
Iliad by Homer | 800 BC | 400 BC | 400 yrs | 643 |
Plato | 400 BC | 900 AD | 1300 yrs | 7 |
Gallic Wars by Caesar | 100-44 BC | 900 AD | 1000 yrs | 10 |
History of Rome by Livy | 59-17 AD | 4th Century 10th Century |
400 yrs 1000 yrs |
1 PARTIAL 19 |
New Testament | 50-100 AD | 130 AD | 50 yrs | FRAGMENTS |
200 AD | 100 yrs | ENTIRE BOOKS | ||
250 AD | 150 yrs | N.TESTAMENT | ||
325 AD | 225 yrs | 5,600 | ||
400-500 AD | 400 yrs | 24,600 |
From Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell
1947 Dead Sea Scrolls: Isaiah 53 from 125 BC has 166 words. Differences: 17 letters, 10 spellings, 4 conjunctions, 3 added words = light… “he shall see ___ of life”
What is in the Bible?
Teaching Series Sources:
The Problem of God by Mark Clark – The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell – Enduring Word Commentary by David Guzik (free online) – The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel – Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis – Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem