Watch this video from Dave Enns!
For the week of March 30, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
Goals / Flow of the First Meeting Re-connect with existing members and meet new members.
items Needed / to do for the First Meeting
Pro-Tips to Maximize the Online Groups Experience 1) Shorten meetings to 75 minutes or less. *More How-To’s at this link: Pro-Tips & Facilitation Tips to maximize your Online Experience. AGENDA for your first meeting How We Measure Success Week to Week: Hearing from everyone at every meeting and keeping God’s Word at the center. |
With the important messages we’ve been hearing in the Foudations series, we wanted to equip you with tools for your group!
- “What The Bible Says About Sex” – The March 22-23 weekend message was on biblical sexuality—a topic that’s deeply personal and often full of questions. Our goal at North Coast is to be clear on what the Bible says, while being gracious and kind to everyone figuring out their next steps of obedience as they follow Jesus. We want to help people trust Jesus in every area of life—including this one. FOR GROUP LEADERS: Here’s a quick breakdown of the message and a resource on biblical sexuality to help you lead your group well if this topic comes up.
“How To Get Rich Quick… For A Long Time” – This week’s message was all about what the Bible says about money and generosity. North Coast seeks to provide everyone with next steps when they are ready to take them. FOR GROUP LEADERS: Encourage your group to either text the keyword “Foundations” to (844) 921-0220 or scan the QR Code at the bottom of the printed sermon notes. This will link them to a quick survey, and then a customized route based on their responses.
Serve Your City May 3-4, 2025
Serve Your City is a church-wide serving campaign focused on giving, serving and loving our communities.
Sign your group up now before the church-wide promotion begins and spots fill up. This way, the whole group can serve together! Click here to use the tutorial and sign up.
Pray for Serve Your City
Serve Your City is a church-wide serving campaign focused on serving our community.
- Pray for every logistical detail to come together—waivers completed, insurance approvals secured, and project materials delivered on time.
- As our team coordinates with partner organizations and local agencies, pray that these conversations would not only be productive but also opportunities to reflect Christ’s love.
- Ask God to clear any obstacles so we can move forward with each project and focus fully on serving our community.
With the important messages we’ve been hearing in the Foudations series, we wanted to equip you with tools for your group!
- “What The Bible Says About Sex” – The March 22-23 weekend message was on biblical sexuality—a topic that’s deeply personal and often full of questions. Our goal at North Coast is to be clear on what the Bible says, while being gracious and kind to everyone figuring out their next steps of obedience as they follow Jesus. We want to help people trust Jesus in every area of life—including this one. FOR GROUP LEADERS: Here’s a quick breakdown of the message and a resource on biblical sexuality to help you lead your group well if this topic comes up.
“How To Get Rich Quick… For A Long Time” – This week’s message was all about what the Bible says about money and generosity. North Coast seeks to provide everyone with next steps when they are ready to take them. FOR GROUP LEADERS: Encourage your group to either text the keyword “Foundations” to (844) 921-0220 or scan the QR Code at the bottom of the printed sermon notes. This will link them to a quick survey, and then a customized route based on their responses.
Discussion Note / If you have new people joining your group: If you have new people in your group or are a completely new group and it hasn’t come up in conversation before the meeting officially starts, try adding these to the “Warm Up” questions after question #1 below.
1) Latest or favorite hobby and favorite food.
2) How long have you been attending North Coast Church?
3) How long have you been in this life group?
Discussion Tips: These are effective for both in-person and online groups. Remember to set time limits to ensure everyone has an opportunity to answer the questions. Possibly use the “Tag— You’re It” method to ensure everyone can share. Once one person is finished sharing, they select the next person to share.
- If you could create your own currency that could only be used at two locations, what would it be called and what could people buy with it at those locations?
This question is a creative icebreaker designed to get people thinking and sharing in a lighthearted way. It encourages participants to imagine they have the power to invent their own currency, which would only be valid at two specific places of their choice.
What would it be called? This taps into creativity. People might name it something fun, meaningful, or humorous.
What could people buy with it? This gets participants thinking about what those locations offer and what they value. It might also reflect their interests, hobbies, or priorities.
For example, someone might say, “I’d create ‘Coffee Coins,’ which could only be used at my favorite local coffee shop and the bookstore next door. People could buy lattes, pastries, and bestsellers.”
- How did the financial situation you grew up in impact your life?
- In what ways did this weekend’s message cause you to feel uncomfortable, frustrated, surprised, or affirmed in your current beliefs about how we are to handle money?
Good question to hear from everyone. If you are tight on time due to your meal together you can transition directly to the to the “Live It” and the “Check in” question.
Discussion Reminder – there are many good questions through the next few sections. Decide which ones you’re going to focus on and make sure to allow time to hear what people want out their group’s time, talk about how to be an authentic group and go over the Life Group Commitment.
This week, Chris explained the proper heart attitude concerning giving financially to God’s work. As a group, read Luke 16:1-13 out loud.
- What in the parable of Luke 16 spoke to your mindset about money?
Good question to have everyone answer.
- Chris explained that the manager in the story is better explained as a trustee. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a highly favored trustee?
Good question, know everyone may not have answer.
- As a group, come up with five financial principles that Jesus is laying down for disciples in verses 10-13.
See what your group comes up with. A couple ideas could be “Integrity Matters in Financial Management” and “Money is test of Character”. A principle could be Develop habits of honesty and transparency in all financial dealings, whether large or small.
- As you reflect on the message, personally weigh your love for God and your love for money. Which one gets sacrificed more for the other?
- In your own words, how would you explain your tithes and offerings as both an act of worship and an investment?
The intent of this question is not to ask whether people are tithing but to create a different perspective and motivation regarding tithing, being generous with what already belongs to God.
Here are some suggestions:
- As an Act of Worship
- Acknowledging God’s Ownership: Tithing is a way of recognizing that everything we have ultimately belongs to God (Psalm 24:1). By giving back a portion, we express gratitude and humility.
- Demonstrating Trust and Faith: When we give, especially sacrificially, we show our trust in God to provide for our needs (Malachi 3:10).
- Expression of Gratitude: Offering joyfully is a response to God’s goodness and provision (2 Corinthians 9:7).
- As an Investment
- Investing in Eternal Impact: Unlike worldly investments, giving to God’s work results in spiritual returns. Lives are transformed, people encounter Christ, and communities are uplifted (Matthew 6:19-20).
- Supporting the Church’s Mission: Just as financial investments grow businesses; our offerings contribute to the growth of the church and the spreading of the Gospel.
- Multiplying Resources: God often blesses and multiplies what we offer, using it far beyond what we can imagine (Luke 6:38).
Additional Question: Ask the group which is more important for them to focus on.
The Bible considers the giving of tithes and offerings an important part of our faith journey.
- We’re supposed to give joyfully and sacrificially. It’s easy to see how giving can be sacrificial. How can we see it as joyful?
Good question to have everyone answer.
- What do you believe the Holy Spirit is asking you to do to be a better trustee of His resources and money?
Additional Question – How can generosity become a regular part of your lifestyle?
Important Check-in Question – Every week, we gather in our Life Group, making an investment of our time. What are you looking forward to in our time together as a group this quarter, and how do you hope God continues to grow you because of our time together?
This question sets you up well on how to make the most of your time together, going over the purpose of your group and what makes a healthy group.
Transition Statement to Life Group Commitment: “It’s great to hear what each of you has said about what you want to get out of your time in our group. One of the great benefits of being in a Life Group is the opportunity to have help from others as we seek to be strategic and intentional about our spiritual growth. The Life Group Commitment is designed to serve as intentional guidelines to help us make the most of our time together.” (See below)
Read over purpose with the Life Group.
Life Groups exist to promote spiritual maturity and personal growth through meaningful Christian relationships and the study of God’s Word (Romans 8:29 & Hebrews 10:24-25).
Here’s how it will happen:
Each week, we’ll take time to share what is happening in our lives. At first, this sharing will include planned “sharing questions.” After the first few weeks, it will become more informal and personal as we feel more comfortable.
Each week, we’ll study a section from God’s Word that relates to the previous weekend’s sermon or an appropriate personal growth topic. Our goal is to learn how to live out our Christianity in everyday life.
Each week, we’ll learn how to take care of one another as Christ commanded (John 15:9-13). This care can take many forms, such as prayer, encouragement, listening, challenging one another, and meeting real needs.
Spiritual growth is fostered not only by what we gain through the support and input of others, but also through service to others. The role each of us fills is important to the health of the church and for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the community in which we live (Ephesians 4:11-16). Throughout the quarter, we hope that you can find and/or be affirmed in the ways God has designed you to serve and make a difference in God’s Kingdom.
Link to the form for people in your group
Go over the Life Group Commitment Form with your group. You can download the Leader Guide to the Life Group Commitment. Use this as a guide to keep your group healthy in communicating and caring for one another each week. (The leader audio will give you more details on how to do this effectively.)
Close in prayer: If you have anyone new in your group and you don’t know them, it is recommended to close with your host or one person praying. Next week, the Study Questions will include an introduction to praying in a group, so if you have a new group or a lot of new members, it’s suggested that you wait until week two to do any group prayer.
Mingle with everyone after the meeting. Even if you’re online, stay on an extra 10 minutes to see if anyone wants to connect and hang out just like you would at an in-person meeting.
Pastor Chris Brown
March 29, 2025
Message #13 / Luke 16:1-31
How To Get Rich Quick… For A Long Time
Lessons from the shrewd, not good:
Luke 16:1-31
Fools financially plan their lives UP TO DEATH, the wise plan with ETERNITY in mind.
Finding freedom from the money god:
Matthew 6:19-33, Luke 12:13-34, 1 Timothy 6:10
According to Jesus, the best way to know where my HEART IS is to see where my FINANCES GO.
The first step is deciding who OWNS ME and who OWNS MY STUFF.
Then I realize that I don’t give anything TO GOD. I worship Him with HIS GIFTS and manage HIS KINGDOM.
The mindset changes from what of mine I can GIVE TO GOD, to how much of His I can KEEP FOR myself.
Where do I go from here?
2 Corinthians 9:6-11, Philippians 4:14-19
I move my worship/God from NOTHING to SOMETHING, from SOMETHING to REGULAR, and from REGULAR to SACRIFICIAL.
Just something to think about:
The more I SPEND on a PROJECT, the greater the CONCERN I have for that PROJECT.