Leader Guide 2024: Spring Week 2

Have you heard about the
NEW Discussion Guide?


For the week of March 31, 2024
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.

Leader Note
Reminder – If you have new people in your group, use name tags for at least the first three weeks of the quarter!
LIFE GROUP COMMITMENT FORM Go over the Commitment Form with anyone who missed the first week  Life Group Commitment Form,  BEGIN TO THINK ABOUT YOUR SOCIAL and/or SERVICE PROJECT
Begin to think about what service project you would like to do. Visit our website for some options: northcoastcommunityservice.org
Online Social Ideas: lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/group-socials/In-person Social Ideas: lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/suggestions-for-socials/

Prayer Note
Check out the Tips on Group Prayer at the end of this Leader’s Guide. If you have new people in your group, please make sure you go over this. And NEVER make someone pray. Group prayer is similar to public speaking, which is the #1 fear people have. More than once, we’ve had people tell us they quit a Life Group because a well-intentioned person required everyone to pray. This can also be a good reminder for long time groups.

Submit your group’s attendance online at northcoastchurch.com/attendance. If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here: lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/how-to-post-attendance

White Water Vacation Adventure for
Leaders/Hosts & their Life Group June 22-26 Back by popular demand! Join us for an adventure of a lifetime whitewater rafting down the Klamath River! Led by Life Group Pastor Dave Enns and his wife Koreena, along with Kameron & Emily Drawhorn on staff at the San Marcos / Escondido campus. And this year we’ve added the opportunity to invite anyone in your Life Group. Enjoy nature, community, and a time to be refreshed and encouraged spiritually!  REGISTRATION NOW OPEN  lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/whitewater/

Discussion Reminder:  You know this, but we will keep reminding you! Our goal is to hear from everyone every time you meet and keep God’s Word at the center!

You decide which questions you will engage your group in. Our goal is not to answer all the questions. We offer multiple questions to give groups options to focus on. Pick the questions that seem to fit your group the best. Make sure you get everyone involved in the discussion, and leave time for people to share personally and any needed prayer requests.   

If someone is showing up for the first time to your group this week:  have everyone in the group introduce themselves and share what their family did Easter weekend.

Audio Guide Podcast Available here – Audio oftentimes gives a few more details.

1. This message was all about THE truth. Are there truths you know, but they don’t impact your life? (Like knowing speeding is against the law but doing it anyway, or knowing exercising is good for you but avoiding it still.)

Fun question to get the group talking and see what people come up with.

Additional Question: Have you ever been convinced something is truth only to find out later it wasn’t? What did that feel like? How did you recover from it?

2. Chris said he’s always hated when Christians try to prove the Bible by using verses from the Bible. Did that resonate with you? What are your thoughts about non-Bible evidence proving the resurrection?

There could be a variety of answers like the following: Maybe they’ve felt the same, maybe they’ve never thought about it like that, maybe the non-Bible evidence makes it even more powerful and real for them.

3. Was there anything in this weekend’s teaching you’ve never thought about before, or that was just a good reminder?

This allows you to find out if there are other topics or questions regarding the weekend message.

1. The “truth” is mentioned five times in 2 John. As you read the chapter, are there any other words that jump out at you and make you take notice? If so, what do you think John’s point might be in emphasizing those words?

Love is also mentioned 5x. Walking in truth means walking in love.

The word “love” appears in the Bible 574 times in the New International Version. 

Additional Verses (group verse search): Ask your group to do a verse search on the word “love” in their Bible apps or Bible Gateway online to help them further understand context of what love is and isn’t. Here are specific verses you can use. 

Additional Question & Verses: What is interesting about how truth and love both occur together in these verses?

Verses on “truth & love”

2. Chris gave us ten pieces of “Evidence for Easter.” Which of those did you find most compelling, and why?

Good question to have everyone answer. 

1. What has been your journey of believing or realizing THE truth? Was there a specific moment that brought you to believe this is true and give your life to Christ?

Additional Question: When did Jesus become real for you? Can you think of specific ways how you have seen your understanding of this expand? 

2. At the end of his message, Chris said some of us need to pray for a person we know who doesn’t know this truth. Is there someone in your life you wish knew the truth? What do you wish your life and faith would communicate to them?

Additional questions to ask yourself about how you play a role in helping follow Jesus:

  • How do I show them love? Is there an action or attitude about how I live that doesn’t represent who Jesus is and how He loves them?  How can you play a role?

1. Verses 4-6 show us what believing the truth should look like in our lives. Is there someone you know who lives this out well? If so, what is it about them, their character, actions, or lifestyle that leaves an impression on you?

The truth results in Love and obeying God’s commands.

2. What advice would you give to someone who says they believe the truth, but doesn’t fully live it?

Additional Verses and Questions: How do James 2:26; Philippians 2:12-16 and Romans 7:15, 18, 24-25 & 8:1 help us balance the understanding of this?

Prayer Transition and Optional Question: 

The number one fear most people have is speaking in public. Group prayer would fall into this category. If you have new people in your group, going over “Tips on Group Prayer” (below) is crucial. In most cases, it’s also a good reminder for returning group members. More than once, we’ve had people tell us they quit a Life Group or didn’t join a group because they had to pray out loud.  

Additional Question (An important one for new groups): Prayer is an amazing avenue God has given us to communicate with Him and He with us, but we also come to it with a lot of different thoughts and feelings. Which of the following statements are most true for you?  

  • Prefer to pray silently instead of out loud 
  • Find my mind wandering when praying 
  • Like to write out prayers 
  • Look forward to time in prayer 
  • Don’t really know how to pray 
  • Other