Leader Guide 2025: Winter Week 9


For the week of March 09, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.


Our hope is that every life group is represented at Serve Your City

please make every effort to FINALIZE your group plans and ROSTERS FOR the SPRING QUARTER at your meeting this week: Your timely response will help us know how many groups we need for Spring Sign-ups on March 22.  If you have not already, please confirm changes to your group or indicate “NO CHANGES” when you submit your attendance this week. Thank you!

  • Spring Quarter dates:
    Sign-ups: Mar. 22-30
    Meeting Dates: Mar. 30 – May 31
  • Goals for the Meeting:
    • Finalize Group Plans for Spring
    • Take Communion
    • Pray together

Recruiting New Leaders & Hosts: Do you know someone who would be great at leading or hosting a Life Group? If so, please let your Life Group Pastor know.

Meeting Notes


Submit your group’s attendance online at northcoastchurch.com/attendance. If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here: lifegroups.northcoastchurch.com/how-to-post-attendance

North Coast Women’s Conference, March 14 & 15.
Join the women of North Coast Church for this two-day event hosted at the Vista campus. Tracie Moss and special guest Ruth Chou Simons will challenge you to invite God into your now and your not yet, realizing your right now matters.

To learn more and register click here.
Prices increase March 1.

Serve Your City May 3-4, 2025

Serve Your City is a church-wide serving campaign focused on serving our local communities in three different ways:

Giving, Serving, and Loving.

Do you or one of your Life Group Members have trade skills that can help make Serve Your City possible? Are you willing to donate your time and skills?

Fill out this form to learn more  OR text the keywords “trade skills” to 844-921-0220 .



  1. This weekend, we talked about our discipleship journey. Share a funny or wild road trip story where things went totally wrong—maybe you got lost, ran out of gas, or had another unexpected adventure on the way to your destination.

These could be great to hear. Also, know that they could take a while. Putting a time limit here will be important if you want to hear from everyone. You may want to divide them into smaller groups to share.

A good segue from hearing these could be how it’s great to hear these stories went all wrong, but you made it through it. Isn’t it good to see how God works even when, at times, we really wonder what is going on when we find ourselves dealing with life’s difficulties, our own sinfulness, or find ourselves in a situation where God is growing us, and it’s not easy.

  1. Chris taught about the “destination” of discipleship from passages written to church leaders. Did it encourage you to know we can all reach this place in our faith, or did it feel daunting to know that this is expected of everyone, not just leaders?Good question to have everyone answer.

Additional Questions:

  • Have you ever found yourself trying to be better over and over again, to realize then you need to let God work in you and not just put in your own effort, then begin to see a change or growth?
  • Does this mean we never work at putting into action the points Chris talked about? How does Philippians 2:12-16 help us understand the balance of this?
  1. Is there a part of this weekend’s message that has lingered in your mind since hearing it?



  1. Read Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7, remembering that this is what discipleship looks like and that it’s the result of following Jesus. How do these qualities reflect the heart of a disciple rather than just a checklist of behaviors? Make a list of the areas that feel the most challenging to you. (Seriously, make a list! You’re gonna use it later.)

You could wait and use this when you get to Live It #1 or transition directly to that from this question. 

  1. Read Matthew 15:8-9 and Ezekiel 36:26-27. In recent weeks, we’ve learned that true spiritual growth comes through the Holy Spirit’s work in us. What do these verses reveal about the difference between following Jesus in our own strength versus allowing God to transform us from the inside out?

Additional question – Do you know when you’re trying to live only by your own “will power” verses the spirit working in you?  How might Philippians 2:12-16 that we looked at above help you understand this?
Additional scripture – 2 Corinthians 3:4-6



  1. Have you witnessed a transformation in someone who is following Jesus? Perhaps it’s someone in your Life Group, a friend, or a family member whose change clearly reflects God’s work in their life. Share the changes you’ve seen!

 Another great question, yet because of time you may want to break into groups of 3 to 4 to answer this.

  1. Have others seen changes in you, in relation to the list we read in Titus and Timothy? Would those who know you casually be surprised to learn you’re a Christian? How about those who know you best? In other words, are you a disciple everywhere or just in certain places? 

Additional Question – you could add this to question by saying is there a certain place you know you need to look at how you’re coming across to others? work, home, with my friends, family, a specific person, other?  



  1. Revisit the list you made in Question 1 of “Know It”. Spend some time praying and asking God to help you grow in these areas, then, think of an action step to help you remember. This could include seeking accountability, setting a prayer reminder, writing a note to yourself, or anything else that comes to mind. Share your action step with your group.

A good question, yet it is a bit like the question from last week that we closed with.  If you spent time on it then, use the question below to move into communion.

  1. Taking Communion is an important part of being a disciple of Jesus because it reminds us of what He did for us and why He’s worth following in the first place. As you prepare to take Communion with your Life Group this week, reflect on why you choose to follow Him and share those reasons with your group.

Good question to lead your group into communion.  Have everyone answer with the option to include how they have seen him work in their life. If you have time, you can include their responses to verses about communion below.




Jesus wants us to remember what He has done for us and that He is here to walk through life with us. That’s why He told the disciples at the Last Supper to keep coming together and taking Communion. Communion is about remembering all that Jesus accomplished through His death and resurrection. It’s through His sacrifice that we receive His grace and mercy.

This week, your Life Group will wrap up by doing what the disciples did – taking Communion together. To get ready for this, read the following verses and think about Jesus’ commitment and work in your life. Jot down a few thoughts on how each verse impacts you.

If you have time, see what people observe. You can include it as an option in your answers in Live It #2 above.   

Romans 5:7-8

John 15:12-17

1 Corinthians 11:23-27

  1. Introduce Communion by sharing with your group that today we gather to remember and celebrate what Jesus has done for us. Even God calling us to remember Him shows His understanding of us and how we forget.
    • Pass out bread and juice or put it on a table in the middle of the group so they can easily access it.
  1. Take Communion Together
    • Option 1 Life Group Leader Leads Communion – Read Corinthians 11:23-26 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
    • Option 2 – Communion Video – Use this Video with Pastor JD Larson to lead your group in communion and worship.
    • Have your take communion (Worship song option to play while they take communion – Remembrance by Hillsong)
  1. Give thanks for What God has done for us

Close your time together, remind your group about the break, and that groups will start back up again on the week of March 30-April 4.


Take Communion with us this week! If you are not in a Life Group and would like to take Communion with us, see northcoastchurch.com/communion to follow along.


Pastor Chris Brown

March 8-9, 2025

Message #10 / 1 Timothy 3:1-7


The Destination Of Discipleship 

What does discipleship mean? (Part 2)

Mark 8:34-38, 9:33-37, 10:35-45, John 13:1-17, 34-35, 15:17, 17:20-26

The goal of a follower is to END UP where the LEADER is at.

Jesus made the journey pretty simple: Become a SERVANT to all; by LOVING OTHERS as He LOVED US.


How does discipleship happen?

John 15:1-17, Galatians 2:20

The POWER to do this is not of OURSELVES, but by HIS SPIRIT.

Our part is a DAILY choice to WALK with the SPIRIT.


Where does discipleship take us? (other than Heaven)