For the week of March 02, 2025
This guide is designed to give helpful hints in preparing & leading your group in discussion.
Please make every effort to FINALIZE your group plans and ROSTERS FOR the SPRING QUARTER at your meeting this week: Your timely response will help us know how many groups we need for Spring Sign-ups on March 22. If you have not already, please confirm changes to your group or indicate “NO CHANGES” when you submit your attendance this week. Thank you!
- Spring Quarter dates:
Sign-ups: Mar. 22-30
Meeting Dates: Mar. 30 – May 31 - Goals for the Meeting:
Finalize Group Plans for Spring
Discuss the Study Questions
Pray together
Recruiting New Leaders & Hosts: Do you know someone who would be great at leading or hosting a Life Group? If so, please let your Life Group Pastor know.
Meeting Notes
Submit your group’s attendance online at If you’re not sure how to post attendance, you can check out the guide here:
North Coast Women’s Conference, March 14 & 15.
Join the women of North Coast Church for this two-day event hosted at the Vista campus. Tracie Moss and special guest Ruth Chou Simons will challenge you to invite God into your now and your not yet, realizing your right now matters.
To learn more and register click here.
Prices increase March 1.
Serve Your City May 3-4, 2025
Serve Your City is a church-wide serving campaign focused on serving our local communities in three different ways:
Giving, Serving, and Loving.
Do you or one of your Life Group Members have trade skills that can help make Serve Your City possible? Are you willing to donate your time and skills?
Fill out this form to learn more OR text the keywords “trade skills” to 844-921-0220 .
- We all follow something—whether it’s social media influencers, bands, authors, or trends. What’s something you follow that you’d be a little embarrassed to admit? Why are you drawn to it?
Note: Let your group know they don’t need to be embarrassed to admit it. It could also be something you are very passionate about like a sports team or a T.V show.
- If you could be an apprentice and learn from a master in any field, what would you choose? How do you think this kind of mentor-apprentice relationship compares to discipleship?
This is a great question! Allow your group to really think through some of the fun stuff like a blacksmith or a glass blower. Making the comparison to our seeking to be with Jesus and learn from Him can be a super helpful word picture.
- What point or idea caught your attention the most in this weekend’s message?
A classic question, but always a win!
- We learned this weekend that obedience and love are key aspects of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. As you read 1 John 2:3-11, what stands out to you about how these are connected?
- Verse 6 says we should “walk as Jesus did.” We recently spent two weeks looking at who Jesus is and what He did. Based on what you know about Jesus, what does it look like to walk as He did in your everyday life?
Discussion notes: This can be a really challenging question. A helpful way to think about it could be that walking as Jesus did means living a life of obedience, love, and truth in all our actions. Jesus was connected to the Father, spending time in prayer, so we too should prioritize our relationship with God. He showed compassion to the outcast, served others humbly, and forgave even those who wronged Him—challenging us to do the same in our workplaces, homes, and communities. Walking as Jesus did also means standing firm in truth while extending grace, choosing to love even when it’s difficult. So, what could be decisions, activities, or relationships that display his character?
- Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. Why do you think love, rather than just knowledge about Jesus, sets a believer apart? What happens when we focus on knowledge but lack love?
Additional thoughts: Love Reflects the Character of God
Knowledge about Jesus is important, but love is what truly mirrors the heart of God. Scripture tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8), meaning that to truly be like Christ, we must embody love. Without love, even the most profound theological insights become empty.
Love is the True Mark of Discipleship
Jesus Himself stated that His followers would be recognized not by their knowledge, but by their love. While knowledge can lead to pride (1 Corinthians 8:1), love builds up and draws people toward Christ. A faith without love can become rigid and judgmental rather than transformational.
Additional Scripture: Matthew 22:37-39, James 2:7
- Larry talked about the most dangerous place to be spiritually. How can spiritual success or maturity sometimes become a stumbling block? Have you ever caught yourself comparing your spiritual journey to others instead of focusing on Jesus?
This question is very intentional and humbling. We all can have blind spots or compare ourselves to others at times, as a leader you can start off this question with vulnerability.
Additional Question: What was the outcome of your comparison? For example, did it create pride, or did it rob you of contentment?
- Have you ever thought something was just for “advanced” Christians, only to realize it’s for everyone? If so, what was it and what changed your perspective?
Great question to make a list together as a group of what you think “super Christians” do.
- Larry discussed how there is always a next step of obedience. Looking back on your journey, what were some important steps of obedience? As you look ahead, how can you continue to take steps forward in your faith and not become stagnant?
We all have something! This is a great question.
- Larry said that if our discipleship doesn’t produce more love, it’s worthless. Read John 13:34-35. As you seek to follow Jesus, is there someone specific God is challenging you to love? What would that look like in a real, tangible way?
Allow your group to be specific and then offer ways to encourage and support one another in what God is calling them into.
- Some weeks, God calls us to take action. Some weeks, we just need to be reminded of His truth. Some weeks, we need to pray more, surrender something, or encourage someone else. Based on this week’s message and where you are in your journey, what’s your take-home step?
Great question. Get after it together!
Pastor Larry Osborne
March 1-2, 2025
Message #9 / Matthew 28:16-20
Discipleship Myths
Our Great Assignment
Go into all the world and make DISCIPLES.
Matthew 28:16-20
So, What Is A Disciple?
Disciple simply means FOLLOWER.
Disciple includes those at the FRONT and the BACK of the LINE.
Matthew 16:24 / John 6:66 / John 19:38
Disciple does not include those who merely BELIEVE some FACTS about Jesus, but don’t actually FOLLOW Him.
James 2:19 / 1 John 2:2-5
The Truth About Discipleship
- Discipleship is simply taking the next STEP OF OBEDIENCE.
Matthew 28:18-20 / 1 John 2:3-5 / John 14:15 / Philippians 3:12-14
- 2. A disciple and a leader are two DIFFERENT THINGS.
Matthew 20:26-28 / 2 Timothy 2:2
- If my discipleship doesn’t produce more LOVE, it’s WORTHLESS.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 / Revelation 2:1-7 / Mark 12:28-31
- A disciple is judged by the FRUIT, not the WATERING SCHEDULE.
Matthew 7:16-20
- The most dangerous place to be is near the FRONT OF THE LINE.
Proverbs 6:16-19 / Luke 18:9-14 / I Corinthians 10:12
- No one is HOPELESS, until they’re DEAD.