Introducing Serve Your City!
Watch this short video from Community Service Pastor Connor McFadden for a look at our upcoming project, Serve Your City.
What is it?
Serve Your City is a church-wide, three-week campaign coming after Easter. Each week, we will focus on serving our community in three intentional and practical steps:
- Week 1: GIVE (donate financially)
- Week 2: SERVE (participate in community service projects with your Life Group, with your family or on your own)
- Week 3: LOVE (intentionally show love to someone in your life)
When is it?
March 6: Serve Your City project sign-ups open!
Week of April 11: GIVE financially
Week of April 18*: SERVE on a project
Week of April 25: LOVE someone
*Note that most in-person service projects will take place April 24-25.
How can you help?
Starting March 6:
- Head to and click on “Serve Your City” to view service projects that have been created for you to serve. Note, you may also create your own.
- Sign up to serve! We love to see Life Groups serving together! You will have the option to sign up your whole group for a project, or you can also sign up as individuals or families.
We are so excited to serve together with you on this amazing project!