A Special Message from Chris Brown to Life Group Leaders & Hosts
We are excited to be trying a fresh approach to our Life Group discussion questions this Spring Quarter! It is always our goal to equip you as leaders and hosts with the tools you need to develop meaningful friendships centered on God’s Word. As a reminder, a successful Life Group meeting is hearing from everyone every time you meet and keeping God’s Word at the center.
The next 9 weeks will be a test phase for us to try some new formats and styles with our discussion questions, as we evaluate over the summer and refine it over the fall. As leaders and hosts, we will be asking for your feedback in this process to tell us how the discussion went in your group this quarter! You will receive a form to give feedback specifically on the discussion guide, so we ask you to be thinking throughout the quarter about how the questions have helped your group accomplish the mission and purpose of Life Groups.
And as always, we will have a leader guide every week with leader notes, discussion tips, additional questions, and Scriptures for you to use as an extra resource. And you have the cell phone number of your Life Group pastor for any questions.
Thank you so much for everything you do to lead or host your group. North Coast wouldn’t be North Coast without your partnership week in and week out, leading and caring for your group.
The Life Groups Team